Case Studies
  • A well-known industrial brand suffers from the misuse of its trademark by competitors and other third parties. They had previously relied largely on customer and employee intelligence. However, they became increasingly aware of misuse of their trademarks occurring on the Internet. We provide a detailed monthly report of filtered, categorised infringements.
  • Approximately 90% of our findings are actioned by the in-house counsel. Our monitoring has become the single largest source of infringement intelligence and has significantly increased the volume of pre-emptive action against competitors. Crucially, it is thought that this early identification of infringements has avoided costly legal cases.
  • An international brand of nutritional supplements was receiving complaints from a number of distributors regarding unauthorised sellers online. We conducted a thorough audit across the relevant countries and identified a small number of entities that were the cause of the issue. The client was able to take action and show proactivity to the distributors.